REVIEW – SNK VS. CAPCOM: The Match of the Millennium

Originally released in 1999 on the obscure and short-lived NeoGeo Pocket Colour, SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium was the first crossover title between the legendary companies, and it is wonderful to see that the game will be preserved and revived for the incomparably wider audience the Switch affords. The epic titling may contrast with its cutesy style, but the packed-to-the-brim crossover content and overall quality of the game do it justice!

SNK VS. CAPCOM: The Match of the Millennium
Nintendo Switch
Developed by SNK
Published by SNK
Released: 17th February 2021

Review copy provided by SNK

By |2021-03-02T17:04:22+00:00March 2nd, 2021|Capcom, eShop, Nintendo Switch, Review|0 Comments

OPINION – Mr. Fuego’s Nintendo E3 Predictions!

The most exciting time of the gaming calendar is here; it’s E3 Predictions time! I have 12 predictions lined up, and hopefully at least a few will be correct. Wait, who am I kidding? My predictions are 100% accurate! Let’s GOOOOOO…!

New Animal Crossing — Wii U


I think a new Animal Crossing title will likely be announced for Wii U. It’ll run at 1080p, 60fps (okay, they probably won’t mention this, but if ANIMAL CROSSING can’t manage it nothing can). Honestly that would be all I’d need to know, but I think to entice more players they just might go a little further. So what’s different from past games? I think it might be expanded online support with big online features.

Star Fox Online Competitive Multiplayer Shown!


We all know Nintendo are going to show the new Star Fox game at E3, but I think there will be more than just a single player mode shown. I predict we’ll see an online multiplayer mode too! After all, Tadashi Sugiyama and Takaya Imamura, the producer and director of Steel Diver Sub Wars are producing/directing Star Fox along with Miyamoto — and I have a reliable source on that! WIKIPEDIA! Undeniable!

New Metroid — Wii U and/or 3DS


I think a new Metroid title is very possible this year. So far Metroid games have been played from either a 2D perspective (most games), or in first-person (Prime games). But that doesn’t mean it’ll always be that way. In 2012 Miyamoto said “the kind of ideas I have on Metroid [are reflected in Metroid Blast].” — a game played from a third-person perspective. Traversal is a major theme in Metroid games, and a third-person perspective would mean the precision and feel of Samus’s movement could be improved. So I think a third-person view is reasonably likely, too. And if that’s right, Platinum are revealing something this year…

Zelda Wii U Mentioned


Nintendo may have said Zelda Wii U won’t be in their Digital Event, but I see through their lies. I’m predicting it’ll be mentioned! That’s right, MENTIONED! Hah, I see through your lies Nintendo! Bold Prediction, right? Wait, that doesn’t actually contradict what they said? Oh… Okay, I predict Aonuma will pop up to talk about it… briefly. I’m not exactly expecting much from Zelda, but they can’t just ignore it.

Pokémon Game With Amiibo Support — Wii U and/or 3DS


Pokémon Amiibo are pretty much useless in anything but Smash Bros., despite being one of Nintendo’s most beloved brands. But they’ve got to be used for something, right? I predict Nintendo will show a new Pokémon game at E3, launching alongside a fully-supported “Pokémon” line of Amiibo.

Something First Party & Exciting — 3DS


The 3DS’s 2015 lineup has been pretty sparse so far. In terms of new first-party retail games there has been… one?! Something exciting’s gotta be announced at E3. I’m just not sure what it could be. I’m expecting and hoping the next main series Pokémon will be announced and released next year, it’s too soon for Zelda, and there’s already been a new IP gamble for 3DS. There has to be something big here for 3DS fans, and it’ll be exciting to find out what it is.

A Lot More Third-Party & Exciting — 3DS


Monster Hunter. Yokai Watch. The Great Ace Attorney. Bravely Second. Dragon Quest VIII. There are quite a few third-party 3DS games that have a strong chance of showing up, even if Nintendo don’t have anything exciting themselves. I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of future 3DS titles are Japanese third-party & ported titles. Wii U needs strong first-party support, but 3DS can survive with less, meaning Nintendo can gear up game development for their next system instead.

Xenoblade X Release Date


Xenoblade X will get a release date. I predict November. I’m excited. That’s it.

GameCube Virtual Console or Remake


We’ll either get a GameCube remake, or finally get GameCube games to download, methinks. Something GameCube-ish. Depends on whether it’s possible to get GameCube games to work with the GamePad, really. GAMES. Mario Sunshine is my bet for a remake.

Club Nintendo Replacement/Better Account Features Mentioned


Existing owners of Wii U and 3DS know how bad the account system is, so this would bizarrely be a really exciting announcement. Making accounts more user-friendly with features like cross-buy and linking-downloads-to-your-account-so-if-your-system-breaks-you-still-have-access-to-them would not go unnoticed by fans. I don’t think they’ll go to deep into their new online system, but I think it will be at least mentioned.

Smash Bros., Splatoon, & Mario Kart 8 Content!


I think we’ll get new DLC Content for Smash, Splatoon and Mario Kart 8. I’m not sure what will come to Splatoon and Kart, but Street Fighter music files were found in Smash 3DS update data back in April, and they’re pretty much confirmed to be real at this point. I predict he’ll be revealed on Sunday’s Smash Bros. Presentation (which was correct! (I wrote this on Friday)). As for returning characters, I think Wolf will be shown at the Digital Event, and Roy might show up alongside Ryu on Sunday. I also think new, unseen stages are likely to show up.

Wait, this was already announced today (and caused some server problems in the process)!

New Retro Studios Game, Not Metroid — Wii U


Personally I’d like to see Retro tackle something new and let another team work on Metroid, and actually think that’s fairly likely. Either way, I’m certain Retro will show their newest game this year. It could be a new entry in any number of Nintendo series, or even a totally new concept.

So there — those are my predictions for this year’s Nintendo E3 Presentations! You can post your own in the comments, if you want. I don’t really mind. Nope, doesn’t bother me.

Mr. Fuego


Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah .

Check Out Capcom’s Three Million Yen Felyne Statue

Recently, game developers have been going crazy for the anniversaries of their franchises. The Legend of Zelda Anniversary in 2011 saw The Symphony of the Goddess, a fantastic 4-movement orchestra of the greatest music from the franchise. Monster Hunters around the world rejoice as Capcom have recently announced a special product for Monster Hunter’s 10th anniversary, though this news may come with some dismay for fans who might not have a financial advantage… heck even fans who do have a financial advantage may be pissed off.



That beauty up there is a statue of a Felyne warrior [in a very suggestive pose] from the Monster Hunter franchise, weighing at 120g and measuring 55mm by 125mm by 90mm this spectacular statue will retail from an amazingly affordable price of ¥2,990,000 JPN, which works out to be roughly $29,089! Why is it so steep? Well, it’s only made of solid gold that’s all! No valuable collector’s item is complete without a certificate of authenticity, and luckily every statue sold will come with one.

Close Up Statue

That brings me to my next point. A collector’s item also would never be collectable unless it has a limited supply, and this statue will be very limited. The statue is only available to the first ten people who purchase it. If you are crazy enough to dish out that amount of money, then you can purchase it straight from Capcom here!

What do you think of the statue? Is it something you would be desperate to add to your collection? Or would you be able to carry on in life without it? Tell us in the comments!

Leon Fletcher

I am a huge Nintendo fan, hence why NintyBuzz exists. I especially love all things Zelda and Metroid. NintyBuzz was started by me back in the Summer of 2014, it started out mainly as a hobby, though the site has gradually grown, and I hope it grows for many years to come!

By |2014-08-01T17:12:22+00:00August 1st, 2014|Capcom, Monster Hunter 4G|0 Comments
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