Weekend NintyBeats – The Chilled Out Console Launch Sandwich

The music of Nintendo games make them truly remarkable and memorable. To show our love of the music, every Friday (or Sunday in this instance) we shall share a selection of tracks from various Nintendo titles, new and old. 

The return of NintyBeats is here, and here with style! Calm… relaxing… snoozy… style… zzz… huh? Sorry about that, I must’ve accidentally pretended to go to sleep in order to represent the tranquil tracks of the week …and what a week it is! We have a console launch special! A delicious Animal Crossing filling enclosed in Wii U and 3DS launch flavoured bread! It’s a console launch sandwich! THRILLING…

…after the break of course!


Mr. Fuego


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By |2015-07-19T20:20:13+00:00July 19th, 2015|3DS, Features, Nintendo, Weekend NintyBeats, Wii U|0 Comments

Weekend NintyBeats – New Year 2015 Edition [2nd January ’15]

Music plays such a huge part within Nintendo games to make them truly remarkable and memorable. To show our appreciation and love of the music, every Friday we shall share a selection of tracks from various Nintendo games, new and old.

You may be happy to hear that we will be prolonging the New Year’s celebrations a tad longer as we have an awesome selection to ensure your morale is as high as possible to start off your adventures in 2015.

Check out our playlist after the break!


Leon Fletcher

I am a huge Nintendo fan, hence why NintyBuzz exists. I especially love all things Zelda and Metroid. NintyBuzz was started by me back in the Summer of 2014, it started out mainly as a hobby, though the site has gradually grown, and I hope it grows for many years to come!

Weekend NintyBeats – Snowman Edition [19th December ’14]

Music plays such a huge part within Nintendo games to make them truly remarkable and memorable. To show our appreciation and love of the music, every Friday we shall share a selection of tracks from various Nintendo games, new and old.

Are those sleigh bells ringing? How convenient, because this week we will be sharing some of the best Christmassy/Wintery music from Nintendo’s history.

Check out our festive playlist after the break!


Leon Fletcher

I am a huge Nintendo fan, hence why NintyBuzz exists. I especially love all things Zelda and Metroid. NintyBuzz was started by me back in the Summer of 2014, it started out mainly as a hobby, though the site has gradually grown, and I hope it grows for many years to come!

By |2014-12-19T18:10:10+00:00December 19th, 2014|Features, N64, Nintendo, Weekend NintyBeats, Wii U|2 Comments

Weekend NintyBeats Triple Feature [12th December ’14]

Music plays such a huge part within Nintendo games to make them truly remarkable and memorable. To show our appreciation and love of the music, every Friday we shall share a selection of tracks from various Nintendo games, new and old.

Before we begin, I would like to apologise for the two week delay, things got rather hectic at College but now everything is back to normal for now. As a gift from me to you guys, this weekend will be a host to a triple feature NintyBeats, showing off 9 different tunes from Nintendo’s history!

Check out our playlist after the break!


Leon Fletcher

I am a huge Nintendo fan, hence why NintyBuzz exists. I especially love all things Zelda and Metroid. NintyBuzz was started by me back in the Summer of 2014, it started out mainly as a hobby, though the site has gradually grown, and I hope it grows for many years to come!

By |2014-12-12T18:51:25+00:00December 12th, 2014|3DS, Features, Nintendo, Weekend NintyBeats, Wii U|3 Comments
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