Two Tribes’ R Announcement Has aRIVEd!

If you remember back to yesterday, [I know, really long time ago] we covered a teaser trailer the newly reformed Two Tribes released for their upcoming project. In 2015, gamers of all platforms will have the pleasure to try out Two Tribes’ RIVE!

What is RIVE? RIVE is a 2D Shooter/Platformer which Two Tribes describe as “the metal wrecking, robot hacking shooter”. It seems that my speculation of an atmospheric platformer isn’t too far off, it is a platformer to some extent, and from the look of the trailer, it looks like it could be quite atmospheric. Either way, I am very impressed with the amount of work three people [yes, three] have put into the game so far, even if it only has a 50 second trailer, so I am eagerly looking forward to hear more information as it develops. Also, for those of you who are already wanting to get their hands on RIVE, Two Tribes are bringing a playable demo to Gamescom in Germany next month, so be sure to attend that if you get the chance! Check out the full announcement here!

What so you think of the announcement? Were you expecting something different to come from Two Tribes? Tell us what you think in the comments!

Leon Fletcher

I am a huge Nintendo fan, hence why NintyBuzz exists. I especially love all things Zelda and Metroid. NintyBuzz was started by me back in the Summer of 2014, it started out mainly as a hobby, though the site has gradually grown, and I hope it grows for many years to come!

By |2014-07-29T14:52:34+00:00July 29th, 2014|3DS, Nintendo, RIVE, Two Tribes, Wii U|0 Comments

Two Tribes To Announce New Game This Week

Those of you who played games such as Toki Tori, Edge and Sword and Soldiers, would’ve heard of the development company, Two Tribes… they did create those games after all, it would be kind of rude if you hadn’t heard of them! Earlier in the year, it was announced that Two Tribe went bankrupt and was no more… that was until yesterday, when they released a very short and simple teaser on YouTube commenting that they have a brand new project to announce later on this week. It could be tomorrow morning, or it could be Friday at 11:59pm, no one knows! We don’t even know what platforms it will release on yet.

Though the video only shows the letter R with a bit of music in the background, I can already start to speculate a couple things about this mystery title. The R overlays what it most likely a scene from this title, from what I can see, it looks like it is most probably a platformer. Also, from the sound of the music, it could be quite a calm platformer (a la Toki-Tori) or at least something which is very atmospheric. The most obvious thing though, is the fact that the name of the game will begin with the letter R! A few people have speculated the game is a new entry in the Side Scrolling Shoot-Em-Up, R-Type, though I honestly doubt that assumption.

What are your thoughts on this teaser? What do you think this game could be? Tell us below in the comments!

Leon Fletcher

I am a huge Nintendo fan, hence why NintyBuzz exists. I especially love all things Zelda and Metroid. NintyBuzz was started by me back in the Summer of 2014, it started out mainly as a hobby, though the site has gradually grown, and I hope it grows for many years to come!

By |2014-07-28T09:51:04+00:00July 28th, 2014|Nintendo, Two Tribes|0 Comments
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